Plant-based Eating and Healthy Recipes with Nuts

Nuts in bowl

New year, new you! Sound familiar? How many of us have started off the year with that healthy eating plan fully loaded and ready to go? Therefore, to get you off to a good start, we thought we’d share some facts and tips about the trend that is here to stay, the plant-based diet. Plus, some healthy recipes with nuts and dried fruits to help keep you on the right track this 2023!

Benefits of plant-based eating 

The concept of plant-based or plant-forward eating is something that many of us are probably very familiar with nowadays, and one that looks like it is here to stay. With less restriction than other diets, plant-forward eating can be thought of as a change in lifestyle rather than a diet and for many, vegetarianism or veganism are not always the point. A plant-based diet is considered to be nutrient-dense and packed with fibre, healthy fats, protein, vitamins, and minerals. It is a very healthy way of eating and can meet all of your nutrient needs providing you’re including the right things, like nuts for example. 

Why include nuts in a plant-based diet

Eating nuts can help you meet your needs for protein, which is necessary for building bones, muscles, and skin. Protein also increases feelings of fullness, potentially helping you stay satisfied and energised. Not only can nuts aid you to receive your daily protein intake, but including them in our diet has been associated with an array of health benefits, including improved heart health.

Why meal prepping is important

For some, transitioning to a 100% plant-forward diet is likely too big of a change from one day to the next, but like every other considerable change, the best way to break through is to achieve new goals. Meal prepping can be an incredible way to ensure that plant-based options are as convenient to reach for as unhealthy snacks and will help eliminate one of the most common bottleneck behaviors. Therefore, to give help give a push to feel more comfortable getting started, below you will find some of our easy-to-prepare recipes to prepare at home and take with you on the go.

Plant-based recipes with nuts

Walnut ‘Meat’ Tacos

Recipe Walnut ‘Meat’ Tacos

Try swapping meat for walnut ‘meat’ for a different kind of Taco Tuesday! Not only is it delicious but walnuts are also nutritious and boast all kinds of health benefits including improved brain and heart health. Plus, walnut meat is great for batch-cooking and meal prep because you can easily make a lot at a time and leftovers freeze incredibly well. Plus, it lasts for up to 5 days in the fridge, stored in an air-tight container.

Walnut, Pistachio and Dried Cranberry Bircher with Coconut Yogurt

Recipe Walnut, Pistachio and Dried Cranberry Bircher with Coconut Yogurt

Prepare breakfast the night to make sure you get a healthy breakfast for an energetic start to the day. This vegan version consists of soaked overnight oatmeal topped with fresh fruit and the added detail of walnuts, pistachios, and dried cranberries making it a gift to health.

Pistachio, Hazelnut & Spinach Pesto

Recipe Pistachio, Hazelnut & Spinach Pesto

These colourful little nuts are nutrient-dense and packed with heart-healthy fats. This option will pair beautifully with the texture and brightness of your freshly made pistachio pesto. Whether you want to make a bowl of pesto pasta for dinner tonight or to serve this at your next meal, we guarantee this simple recipe will become your favorite in no time!

For more ideas go over to our healthy recipes.

Check out even more about some tips and tricks to start a plant-based life in future meals for 2023.

  1. Plant-forward is not going straight to meat-free, try adding veggies to your meals. You’ll help the nutrition while lewering some of the saturated fat and calories.
  2. Inception your meal with a soup or salad. It guarantees that veggies will be featured and furnish a great method of slowing down the meal pace, too.
  3. Switch in plant proteins for animal proteins. Lentils, nuts, like walnut seeds, and elevated quality soy protein, like edamame or tofu, are all great options.
  4. Substitute or add chopped mushrooms and/ or walnuts for meat in numerous dishes. Their textures and savoury taste are perfect as meat substitutes

Plant-based Eating and Healthy Recipes with Nuts

Nuts in bowl


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