The INC and Save The Children Join Forces to Empower the Nuts For A Healthier World Project


The INC and the global NGO Save Children have recently joined forces to empower the dissemination project Nuts For a Healthy World and help in the fight against child malnutrition.

Over the last few months, the INC has been asking people all over the world to share the #NutsForAHealthierWorld video to raise awareness of the cause. So far, the publication has reached over 40,000 shares and now, Save The Children will turn those shares into physical aid.

Both partners established that every share of the video would be equal to one euro, which is the cost of a nutritional treatment of one child for one day. In this regard, the aim of the cooperation is to raise the same amount of money as shares and so, having now reached 40,000 shares, that would mean €40,000 of nutritional treatment that the NGO could send 40,000 days’ worth of treatment to children in Mauritania, South Sudan and Bangladesh.

Besides the cooperation with the global NGO, Nuts For a Healthier World is embracing its members to sum up and help spread the word..  

The INC and Save The Children Join Forces to Empower the Nuts For A Healthier World Project



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