15 mins
Have you tried Cousbareia? Once you do, you won’t want to pair your fish with any other sauce.
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Broad bean purée:
1) Fry the onions and garlic together in the butter in a covered pot until translucent.
2) Add the broad beans and turkey stock, then bring to a simmer. Cook on medium heat until fully cooked.
3) Pour into a blender, add the spinach and season. Blend as smooth as possible. Strain using a fine chinois strainer, adjust seasoning and set aside to cool.
Beurre blanc:
1) Put the following into a large saucepan: shallots, white wine, turkey stock, sherry vinegar, crème fraîche, savoury and bacon trimmings. Bring to a boil. Reduce to 2/3.
2) Strain into another saucepan using a chinois strainer and put aside.
Caramelized hazelnut powder:
1) Lightly brown hazelnuts in butter. Add sugar and caramelize, but do not let the sugar get too dark. 2) Add water, stir well and pour onto parchment paper. Let cool.
3) Once cool, break into pieces, chop finely in a mixer, and strain together with the ground Espelette pepper and peppercorn blend using a fine mesh strainer.
Score one side of the scallops using a small knife, then season. Sear on scored side first in a lightly-oiled pan over high heat. Next, sear the other side, then remove from heat.
Beurre blanc:
Bring the reduction to a boil, whisk together with butter. Then season with salt, pepper and lemon juice.
Broad bean mix:
Heat the beans with a little beurre blanc. Season, then add a little savoury and some bacon trimmings. Blend well.
Draw a straight line of caramelized hazelnut powder down the plate. Create a small rectangle with the broad beans over the line. Place one scallop on each side. Create a small dome of broad bean purée at each end of the line. Place ½ pearl onion layers on top of each dome, then create another broad bean purée dome on top and garnish with tahoon cress. Sauce.
Broad bean purée:
1) Fry the onions and garlic together in the butter in a covered pot until translucent.
2) Add the broad beans and turkey stock, then bring to a simmer. Cook on medium heat until fully cooked.
3) Pour into a blender, add the spinach and season. Blend as smooth as possible. Strain using a fine chinois strainer, adjust seasoning and set aside to cool.
Beurre blanc:
1) Put the following into a large saucepan: shallots, white wine, turkey stock, sherry vinegar, crème fraîche, savoury and bacon trimmings. Bring to a boil. Reduce to 2/3.
2) Strain into another saucepan using a chinois strainer and put aside.
Caramelized hazelnut powder:
1) Lightly brown hazelnuts in butter. Add sugar and caramelize, but do not let the sugar get too dark. 2) Add water, stir well and pour onto parchment paper. Let cool.
3) Once cool, break into pieces, chop finely in a mixer, and strain together with the ground Espelette pepper and peppercorn blend using a fine mesh strainer.
Score one side of the scallops using a small knife, then season. Sear on scored side first in a lightly-oiled pan over high heat. Next, sear the other side, then remove from heat.
Beurre blanc:
Bring the reduction to a boil, whisk together with butter. Then season with salt, pepper and lemon juice.
Broad bean mix:
Heat the beans with a little beurre blanc. Season, then add a little savoury and some bacon trimmings. Blend well.
Draw a straight line of caramelized hazelnut powder down the plate. Create a small rectangle with the broad beans over the line. Place one scallop on each side. Create a small dome of broad bean purée at each end of the line. Place ½ pearl onion layers on top of each dome, then create another broad bean purée dome on top and garnish with tahoon cress. Sauce.
15 mins
1 hr 50 mins
1 hr 40 mins